Friday, April 15, 2016

Reflection #9

For this topic, I can conclude my understanding using these pictures below...


Reflection #8

In this topic, I understands that...

  1. Using the interpretive exercise to measure complex achievement.

    Aid in constructing high-quality interpretive exercises:

    1. Select introductory material that is relevant to the objective of the course.
    2. Select introductory material that is appropriate to the students’ curricular experience and reading level.
    3. Select introductory material that is new to students.
    4. Select introductory material that is brief but meaningful.
    5. Revise introductory material for clarity, conciseness, and greater interpretive value.

    Topic 7

    Topic 7: Measuring Complex Achievement: Performance-Based Assessments (PBA)

    These are the things that I have learned through this topic.

    1)      The meaning of performance-based test
    On doing tests which concerns on the process and product. These tests are in real settings.
    2)      The uses of PBA
    Ø  To assess the learning outcome that focus on actual performances
    Ø  To assess spoken communication skills; oral performance (presentation) in a language
    Ø  To assess students’ ability in observations, formulate hypothesis, collect data, draw valid scientific conclusions
    3)      Types of PBA
    a)      Authentic assessments
    b)      Alternative assessments

    4)  Restricted-Response Performance Task: Require the students to start with a simple multiple choice / short answer question and ask them for an explanation of the answer.
    5)   Restricted-performance task: Are more structured and less time to administer which more tasks could be administered at the same time.
    6)   Extended performance tasks: seeking more information from other resources.

    The performance criteria can be done by using either:
    • scoring  rubrics
    • rating scales
    • checklists

    Topic 6

    Topic 6: Constructing Subjective Test Items: Structured Forms & Essay Forms.

    These are the types of essay test items, which are:
    1.  Restricted response varieties: The question restrict or limit what the students are permitted to answer.
    2. The response-choice items: Also known as interpretive exercise or content-dependent items.
    3. Extended response varieties: Elaborated written responses are elicited from the students with require.

    To construct the test design, these are the steps that are used by the teachers.
    • Determining instructional objectives
    • Constructing a table of specifications
    • Designing formative and summative evaluations
    • Designing the learning experiences
    • Designing correctives and enrichment activities

    From this topic, I can learn on how to construct the essay test for students in gaining their achievement progress besides the MCQs by following the Bloom’s Taxonomy in mastering learning.

    Topic 5 Views

    Topic 5: Constructing Objective Test Items: Simple Forms & Multiple Choice Forms

    What can I learn from this topic?
    In this topic, I have learned that in multiple choices questions (MCQs) are consist of four parts which are:

    There are also several types of multiple choices that are:
    1. Standard:
    2.  None of the above
    3. Multiple-multiple choice
    4. More than one answer
    5. True or false

    From this topic, I have learned on how to build up good MCQs based on these steps that really helps me when I want to prepare MCQs for my students in the future. The steps are:
    •  State the stem in the form of question which are consisting the question mark “?” at the end of it.
    •  Place the most of the subject matter in the Stem to ensuring the full statement of the problem.
    •  Eliminate extraneous material from the stem because the goal is to measure student achievement, not to present new material to them. By doing this, teacher also can maximize the use of time for demonstrating understanding, not reading ability.
    • Avoid stem phrase that are negative as the students may miss the qualifier. This step only can be use when learning outcomes requires this type of differentiation.

    By learning and understanding this topic, I also will be able to construct MCQs for my Assignment 2 as one of my assessment instrument.

    Saturday, March 26, 2016

    Topic 4:        Planning Assessment

    On Week 4, we have learned about types of assessment that we can use in the classroom, which are formative assessment and summative assessment. When using the formative assessment, the teacher will guide and monitor the students’ learning while it is still in progress while the teacher will evaluate students learning after they teach one or more units / course known as summative assessment.

    The purposes of using the assessment to assess the students are:

    • Motivate students
    • Measures achievement
    • Identify areas for review
    • Check effectiveness of materials, teaching method, and teacher
    • Assign grades


    When marking the students’ work, teachers can use checklist, rating scale or both in the rubric. Two types of scoring that are analytic scoring (scoring the student’s performance by evaluating various aspects of it separately) and holistic scoring (summarizing a student’s performance using one score).

    When designing the assessment for the students, teachers should consider these principles into the assessment, which are:
                         i.        Clarity
                        ii.        Reliability
                       iii.        Validity
                       iv.        Authenticity
                        v.        Fair

    From this topic, I can know on how to do assessment during my classroom in the future. By using the assessment, I will know each of my student's achievement and help them to improve more on their knowledge and skills.

    Tuesday, March 22, 2016

    Topic 3: Reliability, Validity and Other Desired Characteristics of Measurement

    The meaning of:

    1. Reliability     -     The ability to measure the same thing consistently of a measurement indicating the degree to which the measures consistent); that is repeated measurements would give the same result.
    2. Validity         -     A quality of measurement indicating the degree to which the measure       reflects the underlying construct, that is, whether it measures what it purports to measure. It also mean the state of being valid, authentic or genuine.

    I use this picture to have more understanding about reliability and validity.

    The importance of reliability and validity.