Saturday, March 26, 2016

Topic 4:        Planning Assessment

On Week 4, we have learned about types of assessment that we can use in the classroom, which are formative assessment and summative assessment. When using the formative assessment, the teacher will guide and monitor the students’ learning while it is still in progress while the teacher will evaluate students learning after they teach one or more units / course known as summative assessment.

The purposes of using the assessment to assess the students are:

  • Motivate students
  • Measures achievement
  • Identify areas for review
  • Check effectiveness of materials, teaching method, and teacher
  • Assign grades


When marking the students’ work, teachers can use checklist, rating scale or both in the rubric. Two types of scoring that are analytic scoring (scoring the student’s performance by evaluating various aspects of it separately) and holistic scoring (summarizing a student’s performance using one score).

When designing the assessment for the students, teachers should consider these principles into the assessment, which are:
                     i.        Clarity
                    ii.        Reliability
                   iii.        Validity
                   iv.        Authenticity
                    v.        Fair

From this topic, I can know on how to do assessment during my classroom in the future. By using the assessment, I will know each of my student's achievement and help them to improve more on their knowledge and skills.

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